Research and evidence basing
have become watchwords in psychotherapy since the 2000s. Psychotherapy has clearly been shown to be effective, and far more so than placebos, (positive expectation effects).
However, it has not been demonstrated that any particular method, (for example Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or Psychodynamic Therapy), is more effective, overall, than any other.
We do know that the therapist’s role
is extremely central, with around 40 per cent of outcomes determined by this factor. Specific psychotherapy techniques, (for example hypnosis), accounts for some 15 per cent. Insufficient research exists on remaining factors’ percentage shares. What needs to be done now is research into which techniques work best for given conditions. We need to do this to ease human suffering, time and money.
The Delphi Institute’s Pleroma research group
is a network that has been established to do just this.
Pleroma has links with universities and is made up of psychotherapists with extensive clinical and research experience, many of whom have doctorates.
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Kazdin, A. Treatment outcomes, common factors and continued neglect of mechanisms of Change. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 2005; 12:184-8
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Lambert, M. J. (2004). (5th Ed.). Bergin and Garfield´s Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behaviour Change. New York: John Wiley & Sons
Levy, R., Ablon, S. J. & Kächele, H. (2011). Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Research: Evidence-Based Practice and Practice-Based Evidence (Current Clinical Psychiatry)
Loewenthal, D. (2007). Case Studies in Relational Research: Qualitative Research Methods in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Luborsky, E. & Luborsky, L. (2006). Research and Psychotherapy: The Vital Link
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Om Evidensbasering ; en artikel av Rolf Sandell
Om psykoterapiforskning; en artikel av A Wilczek